To build muscle we must create the perfect 'storm'. We miss one thing and we end up with a light 'sprinkle'.
We have over 600 muscles in our body, each of them different functions, but they all help us perform our daily tasks.
Think about your average day, you might drive to work, sit in a chair, perhaps lift a couple of filing boxes, maybe some groceries once a week, but at most lift a few kilos.
The muscle you have has adapted to this 'load'.
To build more muscle we need to increase this load ie. lift heavier weight than usual.
Putting the muscle under 'stress' signals it to grow bigger so it can support this new load.
Lifting above 85%, <12 reps + under tension will trigger this signal.
That's the signal + breakdown done, it will now take 24-48 hours to rebuild, it can't do this alone, and it needed help even getting to this point.
We need to create the perfect 'storm'.
This storm is not only created during our training, but before and after.
Our body requires energy to workout, it gets this energy from carbohydrates, our first energy source. If our body has no carbohydrates available it will break down muscle, the second energy source... defeating the purpose of your workout. Eat carbs before!
Muscle starts repairing immediately. It needs protein to do this, so if not before, you must have it readily available. BCAA's & EAA's are easy intra-workout drinks, plus a protein shake within 20-30 mins post workout.
Healthy gut microbiome has been proven to aid in muscle growth. Think of it like a pecking order, gut health is a priority to your body, muscle growth isn't. Plus, healthy gut bacteria from a high-fibre diet will boost muscle growth. It wouldn't hurt to throw some pro-biotics & fermented food into your diet.
De-hydrated muscle cannot contract, which is how they move and grow. Drinking plenty of water (minimum 2-3L + glass either side training) will ensure your muscles not only contract and move freely, but they are supplied with the nutrients required to grow.
Cortisol (the stress hormone) is catabolic, meaning it impairs muscle growth and possibly even causes it to break down. It also prevents the release of very important hormones required for muscle growth. Lowering your stress levels is a key factor in muscle growth. Meditate, breathe, walk, read..
Melatonin is produced in the evening to put us to sleep and things like cortisol & blue light prevent this release, impairing our sleep... and very important recovery! Turn off blue light 1 hour before + after sleep, use this time to de-stress.
Another hormone that affects muscle growth is estrogen.. you know, the one that fluctuates throughout the menstrual cycle and our lives. This hormone is anabolic, meaning it will help build muscle, it is highest pre-ovulation. This is our peak muscle growth phase... never miss training this week! However, that doesn't mean you can't build muscle during the other weeks, but it does mean you need to be more spot on with recovery and everything else mentioned to prevent muscle waste.
Post menopause this hormone depletes, actually it starts dropping in our 20s! So yes, it does get harder to build muscle! Prioritise muscle building and strength training, especially post menopause.
'A freely moving muscle is a growing muscle'.
Muscle & connective tissue get tight & restricted after lack of use, poor posture & under recovering from life. Massage, foam rolling & mobility training can allow joints to move more freely, preventing injury, keeping you in the gym more often, and ensuring you build a symmetrical physique. Other useful tools to improve muscle growth & length (yes, I said growth & length - because muscles don't stretch!! they grow longer ie. PNF stretching sends a signal to lengthen) are sauna (increases HGH), ice bath & dry needling.
Muscle needs nutrients to grow. The more nutrients you give them, the more they grow. Eating two meals a day will not suffice!
Eat 5-6 meals every day, 4 high-protein, this will create the perfect storm of muscle building hormones, and keep them producing in sufficient amounts; insulin, HGH, estrogen & testosterone need more nutrients than you may think to be produced. Eating in a surplus is optimal, maintenance will still provide enough, a deficit will not.
Besides eating enough calories, your body needs specific nutrients to build muscle. Creatine, protein & BCAA's are the 3 most researched + scientifically proven to aid in growth. If any, take these as a priority. Vitamins worth increasing - Magnesium, Omega 3, Calcium, Potassium, D, C, A, B12, Iron, Biotin & Zinc. All accessible through a well-balanced diet.
Be realistic with your goals, muscle needs the perfect environment to grow, and like anything, it takes time!
Newbies can build at MOST 3-4kg muscle for their first year, around 2kg their second, and 1kg from then on.
Muscle gets bigger by growing, it does this by breaking down and rebuilding. To break muscle down we need heavy weight and to put it under 'stress', this stress causes it to tear. To tear muscle we need to keep it under tension with this heavy load (don't stop the rep it gets uncomfortable). If you can get to the desired rep range (<12) easily then you did not go heavy enough, plus repping it out fast will not signal growth either, it needs to be slow, controlled, breath through the movement. Another thing required, oxygen!! Slow, controlled reps, heavy + breathe.
Be consistent! Training half the year only 1-2 days per week just won't cut it. Although muscle needs time to heal & grow, the more you train the better your body gets at repairing muscle. Remember, at most you can build only a few kilos a year. Your muscle needs the signal to grow, and this signal needs to be on all of the time. Turning it off every week or so will not trigger growth.
Train minimum 3 days per week to allow for sufficient volume of each muscle group.
Each muscle group needs different volume to grow eg. if you want booty it takes 2-3 times more volume than arms to grow (2-3 times per week).
Missing just one of these important factors will impair growth.
If building muscle is a priority then ALL of these should be your priority.