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nutrition done for you

How much time do you spend each week worrying about what to eat, and scrambling to figure out groceries, while struggling with frustrating PMS symptoms?


Imagine a life where you don’t have to think twice about meal planning—sounds ideal, right?


What if I told you that you could stop worrying about meal planning and grocery lists, and even say goodbye to symptoms? And, that it would cost less than a meal out...


Well, such a thing exists!


Join our community and every month receive a 4-week recipe pack, including grocery lists, sent straight to your phone!


Designed specifically to nourish your body, fuel your workouts, and promote hormonal balance.


All for just $14 per week!

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Why I Created This Program:


As a busy woman myself, and someone who has struggled with PMS, I know firsthand how chaotic things can get without a plan. If I don’t plan my meals ahead of time, everything falls apart—life gets busy, and next thing you know, I'm grabbing whatever’s easiest, which usually isn’t what my body needs. That's when the symptoms like headaches, bloating, and cramps kick in, making it challenging to get through the day.


Planning meals for the week is hard enough, and trying to figure out the groceries adds another layer of stress. And, being a woman comes with unique challenges—your body’s needs change throughout the month, and fueling it properly while balancing hormones and improving your health can feel like a full-time job.


That’s why I created this program: to make life easier for busy women like us.


And, I want every woman to have time freedom and know what it's like to NOT experience symptoms.


That's why you can have everything you need to save time, nourish your body, and manage your hormones, for just $14 per week!


How Does It Work?


Every month, a new meal plan is sent directly to your phone. If you sign up after the release date, you’ll still receive the previous meal plan. Each meal plan is customised to suit women and includes 4 different plans—one for each phase of the menstrual cycle.


The plans come with vegan options and a swap-out list for specific foods you may not like, ensuring you can still promote hormone balance during each phase. Every plan covers breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and pre- and post-workout nutrition.


Since every woman is unique and requires different amounts of food, before you begin, you’ll receive a PDF worksheet and a video tutorial explaining how to determine how much food is right for your needs. We provide a few different methods to help you decide, based on your time availability. Once you’ve figured this out, all you need to do is follow the plan!


You’ll also automatically be subscribed to our mailing list, where we send out weekly advice, tips, and blogs to keep you on track. If at any point you feel you need more personalised support or that the plan isn’t enough, you can book a call anytime to discuss your needs with one of our female-specific coaches.


Who Is This Suitable For?


  • Busy women looking to save time on meal planning

  • Women who want a plan that works with their menstrual cycle

  • Women looking to improve their energy, reduce cravings, and manage hormonal symptoms

  • Those seeking hormone-friendly, easy-to-follow recipes

  • Women who need to support their workouts and health goals


What to Do Next:

It’s easy to get started and make your nutrition work for you! Just follow these 3 simple steps:


  1. Subscribe: Subscribe to our women's only community!

  2. Check Your Phone: Each month, receive a complete grocery list and easy-to-follow recipes tailored to the menstrual cycle.

  3. Shop, Cook, and Thrive: Grab your groceries, whip up meals designed to fuel your body, and start feeling the difference in your energy, workouts, and mood.


Want a sneak peek?

Check out the sample plan in the photo below!​​

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Ready to simplify your nutrition for only $14 a week?


Subscribe now and start your journey!

Looking for a Personalised Plan?

If you require a plan tailored to your specific needs, book a complimentary call below, and we’ll create a plan that’s perfectly suited to your unique needs.

Disclaimer: The meal plans provided through this program are general in nature and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. These plans are designed to support overall health and wellness for women but are not individualized. If you have any underlying health issues, including but not limited to PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, or other medical conditions, you must consult with a healthcare professional before following any dietary advice provided. By subscribing to this service, you acknowledge that all individuals have unique nutritional needs, and this program may not be suitable for your specific condition. Female Specific Coaching disclaims any liability for adverse outcomes based on the use of these meal plans. For personalized advice, please book a consultation before starting the program.

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