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Welcome! If you are reading this, it's likely you're searching for a fitness, nutrition, or women's health expert who can finally provide the guidance you need to balance your hormones, find a diet that works, and improve your performance.


You've been doing everything right-exercising, eating healthier, building good habits- but still, you aren't seeing the results you deserve.

Maybe you can't stick to the diet's because extreme cravings kick in, are low on energy or, PMS, bloating, cramps or headaches are preventing you from establishing and maintaining a healthy fitness routine.


Perhaps you want to increase your performance or overall health but feel different day to day and need a program that flows with your flow...

It's NOT you, it's the advice you have been given.

You see, the sport, health and fitness industry hasn't quite caught onto the fact that men and women are different...

Only 6% of studies are performed solely on females, just 1% with a menstrual cycle.

Training methodologies and nutritional recommendations are derived from studies.

Due to the lack of research and information, standard methods are based on studies performed on men.

A one-size-fits all approach.

Assuming that anatomical and physiological variations between men and women, along with hormone fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle, don't impact results.

Yet, the research that has been done - shows it does.

I get it, women are complicated! And, it is actually quite difficult, timely, and costly, to study women.

But I know women need a different approach.

That's why I have developed The Female Specific Method.

Training, nutrition and lifestyle approaches that consider female anatomy, physiology, and the menstrual cycle.


I understand finding the right person to help can feel overwhelming. You’ve probably tried a few approaches already.


Which is why I offer a complimentary 15-minute call with me to discuss your struggles and goals. At the very least, I’ll provide you with actionable steps you can start using right away, or we can continue working together to finally get the results you’ve been striving for.

In the meantime, feel free to follow me on Instagram ( to get a better sense of what I do and how I help my clients.

Either way, I hope you find the guidance you’re looking for. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Coach Skye xx

To simply find out more about our services, or stay up to date with events and promos, fill in your details below and I will forward a copy of our information pack.

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IN-PERSON: New Farm Gym & Globally Recognised Courses for Coaches

ONLINE: Coaching for Clients & Mentoring for Coaches

Ever felt like you could be getting more out of your training or nutrition?


Have you ever had to adjust your own training program due to your menstrual cycle, whether that be lighten the weights, do something other than what is programmed, or even take a rest day?

Have you ever cancelled plans, or taken time off work due to period pains or anxiety?

Have you ever found yourself struggling to stick to a nutrition plan due to cravings, low energy, bloating, or lack of results?

Is low libido, mood swings, fatigue, or infertility impacting your relationship?

Do you suffer from PCOS, endometriosis, autoimmune conditions, or worry about developing osteoporosis like every other woman in your family?

​If you can relate to any of these, The Female Specific Method might be exactly what you need.





As you probably gathered by now, we do things a little differently. We don't just provide our clients with a training and nutrition plan, we perform thorough hormone and blood testing, movement and postural assessments, and full health checks prior to providing any form of advice. We constantly monitor progress and evaluate health improvements to ensure our clients are truly optimising results.

Our Hormone Reset program has been designed to help regulate hormones, prevent PMS, and improve performance.

Available ​both In-Studio & Online:

  • Hormone Reset Plan - designed to teach you how to work with your menstrual cycle, fluctuating hormones, and address underlying issues

  • Hormone & Blood Report - have your hormones and bloods checked to develop your personalised plan

  • Private Coaching - receive private coaching each week to ensure you stay on track

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls - accountability and education every week

  • Personalised Training Program - step by step instructional videos & tracking via the app

  • 12-week Hormone Reset Diet Plan - improve your energy, gut health, and tone up with a personalised meal plan

  • Weekly Check-In's - personalised habit-based coaching

  • Private Communication - support for women by women 

  • Hormone Workshop - an in-depth workshop designed to teach to you how to implement Female-Specific practices seamlessly into your daily routine

  • Female Specific Coaching App - access resources, tips, habit trackers and more!



  • Semi-Private Training - small enough for our qualified coaches to monitor each client individually, large enough for community and support

  • Class Variety - attend 3, 4 or 5 of our classes every week ranging from Strength, Calisthenics, Kettlebells, HIIT, P-Rehab, Mobility & Breath-Work

If this sounds all too much and you are just looking for a Female-Specific training program and nutrition plan that works with your cycle or performance needs, we also have two smaller packages available.

Training Package

Cycle-Based Package

You can also join our community to gain access to female specific guides, advice, and our private community chat.


To find out more about our packages to determine which one is most suitable for you and your needs, you can book a complimentary call with us to dicuss it.



My name is Skye, founder of Female Specific Training and a globally recognised educator, providing education to coaches worldwide on teaching The Female Specific Method™.


Just like you, I knew I could get more out of my training and nutrition. But migraines, PMS, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and the fitness industry’s lack of understanding were holding me back.


I was doing all the right things—exercising, eating healthy, and looking 'fit'—but inside, I was seriously struggling. 


I consulted specialists, doctors, coaches, and dieticians, but their advice was always so generic and ineffective. 


I started doing my own research, only to find just 1% of studies focus on females with a menstrual cycle.




It made so much sense - all the training methods, programs, and advice were developed for men! 


This realisation led me on a journey of self-education, diving into research papers and courses, and applying what I learned to myself and my clients.


I gathered evidence and developed a method that recognises the unique differences between men and women—one that considers female anatomy, physiology, and hormone fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle.


Introducing The Female Specific Method™


Today, I am the proud owner of Female Specific Training, a rapidly growing women-only gym dedicated to helping women improve performance and achieve optimal results. And, I travel globally, sharing my knowledge, and educating coaches on The Female Specific Method™ to ensure women everywhere receive the help and answers they deserve.


In addition to in-person training and education, I provide my TrainingCycle-Based, and Hormone Reset coaching programs online while my team of Female-Specific coaches grow our gym.


I am committed to empowering women to become more in tune with their bodies, helping them work with them, not against them.

Outside work, I enjoy kettlebell juggling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, hiking, and traveling the globe with my husband.


At Female Specific Training, we empower women to overcome the limitations of PMS, and underlying hormone issues to improve performance and optimise results through Female-Specific tailored programs.


We go beyond traditional fitness methods, offering education and personalised fitness, nutrition and lifestyle coaching tailored to align with women's unique anatomy and physiology.

We strive to create a non-intimidating environment for women globally to build a deeper connection and understanding of their body's, so they can work with them, not against them.


Our aim is to guide women towards optimal health, enabling them to break free from the constraints of hormonal challenges and excel in every aspect of life.


Gym Review
Gym Review

Looking back Skye, beautiful, has got me through A LOT. From hormone issues, getting me to be able to pass my fitness test for work, COVID, IVF (this was mentally and emotionally gruelling and boy I had some emotional outbursts in some of our session!) and finally supporting me during a long awaited pregnancy.  Skye has never just been a PT trainer for me, but a mentor, a counsellor and friend.

Vaoafi Hart

I adore training with Skye. Her training is different to the usual training offered by others as she offers Female Specific Training - in all the years I have trained I have not known anyone else to train in this important way- I am so grateful to have met Skye and to be able to train with her. She is exceptionally knowledgeable about fitness, strength and mobility- she is generous with her knowledge about nutrition and all aspects of health and well-being. An all round brilliant personal trainer. Highly recommended!

Helena Wylie

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